Editor’s Note: This candidate profile was missed in last week’s newspaper.
Rayn Warner
Occupation: Quality Supervisor at Amcor Flexible Packaging
Education: Mid-State Technical College Supervisory Management

What areas do you feel the district is strong in, and which areas need improvement? I feel the district has been able to maintain a low-cost district without jeopardizing our student’s quality of education. The district has also navigated the guidance and impacts of the pandemic well enough to keep the students of our community enjoying in person learning. I feel it’s necessary for the district to improve the communication of the board actions and make that communication as easy as possible to access including budgetary items that impact the taxpayer. Although the board has navigated well during the pandemic, I feel some focus needs to be on a lesson learned and updating of policy and procedures to capture the necessary information should a situation arise.
Why are you interested in serving on the school board? Its important to me that I’m able to give back in a community that has welcomed my family. The most important issues should be those that draw families to our community. My focus is to support growth in the district that sets a path for success of the students, educators, and staff.
Do you have education or experience in a field relevant to the election? While I may not have a background in education, I do have experience with making difficult decisions. I have spent most of my carrier in the world of quality in a manufacturing setting. In my position I am responsible for making fact and customer impact driven decisions and have developed an array of problem-solving skills that I feel will be useful once on the school board.
Among the issues that the school board is currently facing, which ones interest you the most and why? It’s important to me that we not only educate the students in the district but also the members of the community about concerns they may have regarding the school district.